Student's Dictionary

Are you just starting out with your studies? Do you confuse the dean's office with the registrar's office and classes with exercises? Check out our glossary, which explains the most important terms traditionally used in higher education in Poland.

Student's Dictionary

Student's Dictionary

Lecture/Wykład: the lecturer presents the theoretical knowledge in a given field, which usually takes the form of an extensive monologue. Sometimes, however, students ask questions. The skill of quick notetaking will come in handy. Attendance at lectures is not obligatory, but it may turn out to be quite helpful during the exam session.


Practicals/Ćwiczenia: they expand knowledge through practical classes, often supplementing the lecture and are obligatory. By taking part in the practicals, you analyze and solve problems on your own or in groups, you develop your skills and learn practical skills relevant to your field.


Laboratory (Lab)/ Laboratorium: these are practical classes during which you conduct research and experiments using laboratory equipment or research equipment (e.g., IT and language classes).


Discussion class/ Konwersatorium: a class during which the lecturer and the students discuss the topics examined during the lectures.


Field practice/ Ćwiczenia terenowe: sessions carried out outside the university premises, consisting of conducting observations and collecting data in the field.Language course/Lektorat: classes covering a foreign language’s learning (improvement).


Internship/Praktyki zawodowe: involves delegating a student to work related to the field of study for a specified time. It is held in business entities (institutions, units) and aims to implement and consolidate the acquired theoretical knowledge and develop specific skills preparing to function within specific professions, and teachers.


Workshops/Warsztaty: practical classes improving a person’s selected skills.


Seminar/Seminarium: a type of class that appears in the higher years of study. These classes prepare the student to write a diploma dissertation independently: Bachelor’s, Engineer’s or Master’s dissertation. A small group of students meet with their supervisor and discuss the selected dissertation topic’s specific theoretical and research problems. You can also come across the term “proseminar.” It is an active form of classes, introducing the student to independent work on the text, searching for materials, learning about research tools and methods, and preparing for participation in the seminar.


Tutoring: classes based on direct, systematic (weekly/bi-weekly) meetings of the student with the teacher (tutor), which are devoted to discussing the essay prepared by the student and planning next. The meeting is either with an individual student or a group of several people. The course of a single tutoring meeting includes reading the essay, discussing it, and deciding on the next topic.


Exam session/Sesja egzaminacyjna: time (after the end of the semester) when classes are no longer held, but students must take the exams. It usually lasts two weeks.


Test/Kolokwium: oral or more often written form of checking the knowledge of the discussed part of the material (most often in exercises/seminars/laboratories). It may take a final test to verify the knowledge of the material covered during the whole semester or partial tests held several times per semester.


Course credit/Zaliczenie: a positive grade most often from the practicals (but also from some lectures) obtained based on an oral or written test or/and a final work prepared by the student (e.g., in the form of an essay, a review, or a project). Completing all credits, confirmed by entries in the student record book, is a condition for admitting the student to the examination session. Obtaining course credits is also necessary to take the exam in a specific module.


Rector’s hours (Rector’s days) /Godziny rektorskie (dni rektorskie): free time from classes, announced by the rector, usually due to an important event at the UniversityLearning outcomes/Efekty uczenia describe the knowledge, skills, and social competencies acquired during studies.


Specialty/Specjalność: a separate part of a given field of study, selected depending on scientific or professional interests. In the case of some fields of study, the decision should be made at the enrollment stage, but in most cases, the specialization is chosen after the 1 st or 2 nd semester of studies.


Module/Moduł: subject or group of subjects, including internship or diploma seminar. Each module is assigned learning outcomes and the number of ECTS credits.Study program/Program studiów: - description of the learning outcomes and the process leading to the achievement of these outcomes for the field of study along with the given number of ECTS points assigned to specific modules of classes.


Study plan/Plan studiów: the hour-grid including the list of modules and the number of hours broken down by semesters/years throughout the entire education cycle, i.e., the timetable.


Syllabus/Sylabus: description of the module following the model adopted at the University, specifying, among other things, the learning outcomes, the scope of the content discussed during the classes, the recommended literature, and the conditions for obtaining credit.